A Biotechnology Company with Expertise and Proven Success.

About Us


Oragen Technologies, Inc. is a privately held biotechnology company headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa with lab and manufacturing facilities in Ames, Iowa. The company’s primary focus is conducting discovery research to provide the health industry with unique animal vaccines and vaccine delivery systems.


Founded in 1996 by Mark Welter, the company specializes in innovative solutions to animal disease.


Oragen Technologies has a professional staff with more than 40 years experience in licensing vaccines worldwide as well as well as comprehensive expertise in infectious disease and immunology. They are skilled at designing and managing critical animal studies that assist industries in determining the feasibility of a vaccine and provide final reports that can be incorporated into the licensing dossier.


Oragen was founded with a focus on developing vaccines and treatments for diseases of mucosal surfaces, the most difficult ones to treat.

4401 71st Street

Urbandale, Iowa 50322


(515) 251-5903

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